Here at Function in Form – we are serious about our carbon footprint. We have really looked at our restoration methods to ensure we are doing everything we can & strictly adhere to these methods.
Our products are ‘Green’. However, we can always go further – below details some options to keep your restored furniture ‘green’ forever.
At the request of a client – we were recently given the challenge to provide a restored suite that not only was green in the production but would continue to be green as it aged.
It wasn’t easy to find products – especially ones within a reasonable price range, but we had some suppliers & local businesses help us out. We’ve managed to secure access to some pretty neat environmentally correct materials.
These are:
- 100% natural VOC free wood oils – they don’t protect like our own polyurethane mix but providing you don’t mind reapplying oils every few years (we provide a small pot of the product along with the item). These do a good job & look good – not like Danish oil but almost. Takes over 10 coats initially, but hey what’s a little extra time…
- 100% wool felted wadding – this replaces Dacron wrapping which is used to add that comfort layer to foams. All the great qualities of wool, totally biodegradable & comfy plus – really like this product!
- 100% natural latex foam – awesome product. It’s heavy and very, very comfy. Again biodegradable.
- A myriad of natural upholstery fabrics – we’ve always promoted 100% NZ wool fabrics, but we have got together with some fantastic new businesses with fabulous ranges of wool & flax blends, also hemp & wool blends – all sorts of natural fabrics that are totally biodegradable.
All are sourced locally & with the exception of the wood oil – made in NZ 😊
So – if you’re keen on doing your bit for our environment – by purchasing from FiF you already are, but if you want to go the ‘extra mile’ – talk to us about using these great products for your restored furniture.
It’s just right on so many levels……